
Number 8 Cooking, License Policy

Number8cooking content is intended to be easily accessible and usable. Our licensing terms are designed to facilitate this accessibility while respecting the rights of our content creators. Please review the following guidelines:

What You Can Do:

  • Free Usage: All content on Number8cooking is free for non-commercial use. You are welcome to download and utilize the content in accordance with this guideline.
  • No Permission Required: You do not need explicit permission to use the content for non-commercial purposes. However, while not mandatory, attribution is greatly appreciated.
  • Attribution: If you choose to provide attribution, it should be in the format of “Image from Number8cooking.” This acknowledges the effort of our content creators and helps promote our platform.

What You Cannot Do:

  • Commercial Usage: The content from Number8cooking cannot be sold or have a copywrite placed on it.
  • Misrepresentation: You are not permitted to present the content from Number8cooking as your own.
  • Recipe Compilation: You are not permitted to compile photos from Number8cooking to replicate recipes or create similar/same content.

Thank you for adhering to our licensing guidelines. We appreciate your support in promoting fair and responsible usage of our content. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact us.

Attribution Example

Attribution is not mandatory, however, it is greatly appreciated. It’s your way of saying thank you for using the images and content from Number8cooking.

Asparagus And Fingerling Potato Salad
Image from Number8cooking