Disclosure Statement

Number 8 Cooking, Disclosure Statement

We at Number 8 Cooking can be contacted here

By entering Number 8 Cooking, or making a purchase through our links, the user (that’s you) agrees to the following:

In order for us to grow our small business, Number 8 Cooking may earn revenue in a few different ways.

  • Linking to ingredients and kitchen equipment that we use in our recipes that you can purchase if you so desire.
  • Review kitchen equipment, ingredients, and associated products that we think could be of value to you.

We may earn an affiliate commission on the sale of kitchen equipment, ingredients, and associated products we use and link to. As an Amazon Associate, we could earn revenue from qualifying purchases.

If you purchase any kitchen equipment, ingredients, or associated products through our links, we thank you. Also, all this will be at no extra cost to you.

We strongly believe in transparency.

By accessing Number 8 Cooking and reading and engaging with its content, you knowingly understand this disclosure statement and willingly accept it.

Number 8 Cooking Exists For Two Reasons:

  1. A creative outlet for me and the team (mainly me).
  2. Helping you to cook innovative, delicious, and appealing food by regularly posting recipes, ingredient recommendations, and associated product reviews.

We want everyone who reads and engages with this website to know that they can read about anything related to food and cooking. Our goal is to help you to become a better and more confident cook. While also trying to monetize this website while doing something we love.

The Affiliate Marketing Game Is A Big One

The best companies in the world are doing it, we don’t want people clicking on and purchasing through our links without fully understanding what they’re getting into.

This means we’ve written comprehensive and informative recipes, with ingredient and equipment recommendations that link to kitchen equipment, ingredients, and associated products that we believe in and have used on many occasions.

You need to consider that all external links you click on, are most probably affiliate links.

In any case, if you’re unsure you should always do your own due diligence before making purchases through our links.

We’re diligent about the products we associate with so we can bring you informative, trustworthy ingredient, cooking, and kitchen product recommendations. All this knowledge comes from decades of being a professional chef.